Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Quest for a perfect cookie

I am looking for a recipe I remember from early childhood that is a chocolate chip cookie about 2 1/4" diameter and at least 1/4" thick. These were from a bakery run I think by 2 "old" sisters.
Each cookie was exactly the same size so perhaps a mold or design pan was used.
What made these unique to me was that they were white! Must not have had brown sugar at all and my memory makes them white not cream or yellow.
These cookies were firm but not hard and cost more than other cookies.
I tried a recipe this holiday from a website that used sour milk and only white sugar but the consistency wasn't quite right.
Perhaps it had chocolate chunks instead of chips. Memory only brings up the taste, smell and the visits to the bakery over 50 years ago. The top seemed to have small points on it, maybe just around the edge.
I just remember what a treat it was to get these. They were made throughout the year and sold out early in the day.

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