Monday, June 16, 2008

Make a million in ANTIQUES

Just listened to a great book on CD-- “Cracking the Millionaire Code” by Hansen and Allen.
Yeah right, as if I could earn a $1,000,000.00 in my antiques business. But still maybe there could be hope using some of the principles.

One-- was get a team together.

I do know that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And a sum of two is better than one etc.

I hope this blog could be a springboard to bring together others who want to open an antiques business, or are active in antiques or maybe just love antiques and want to buy antiques or even learn more about antiques.

So if you are out there. I’ve “built” this blog and am waiting -- “they will come!”
We could form a team to volley ideas back and forth, trade experiences, give insight, creative ideas even just words of encouragement. Maybe even start our own organization that could lend some legitimacy to being a part-time, lower volume antiques dealer.

Another paraphrased principle was to focus on the end result—antiques business, and expand your group for potential allies—this might compute to helpers such as accountants, auctioneers, delivery people, cousin Janie’s mother-in-law who has a bridge club or book club that are looking for a chance to have a day trip etc.

One principle I really liked was that of philanthropy—giving away 10% of profits to others in need. This might be sponsoring an appraisal fair for the museum, giving money to a library to purchase books about antiques and collectibles, being a sponsor for a community event on vintage boats or old cars, maybe even as simple as buying jerseys for a basketball, hockey or baseball team. Or how about a donation to local PBS station as a thank you for airing Antiques Roadshow!

Maybe we need our own shirts to advertise us! How about someone coming up with a logo a slogan and we can sell the shirts and profits go to the organization or you get a t-shirt with your membership at xx level. Or just for fun! I have a contact for inexpensive cotton shirts and another for screen-printing, another for embroidery so other than design not too difficult a task.

Do you love antiques; do you wish you could have a positive experience discussing antiques with like-minded people?
Then visit here and comment and link to others who could become part of our own millionaire team!

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