Exit 405 about Lincoln NE area for the Aarvark A.M. easy access from interstate. This had to have been a Brass Armadillo in the past. Prices higher and sales in individual booths were by taking a sales ticket for each item you wish to buy. No sales "ticket" no discount at register.
A dissapointment was the Sherwood Antique Mall in Princeton Illinois, might be nice for wine tasting but overall quality was down--yes there were a few good booths but the rest weren't worth a stop.
In Cheyenne one place was closed on a Saturday after 10AM and the other down the road we couldn't find the address listed in the phone book.
The Ogalla Antique Mall is exit 126 then SOUTH not north into town as mapquest and google showed. Found it on the return from a roadside billboard. Small size, high prices but some interesting items. I really miss the profusion of billboards we saw as kids. Now just field upon field, the boards did breakup the monotony and gave hope for what is down the road.
Walnut Iowa, the antique capitol of Iowa--Well for a town/village/city? of less than 1000 I suppose so. They tout 15 stores unfortunately most were closed on a Sunday in March! We visited 3--one was large and the lower level disorganized, prices reasonable; the second was out of this world prices--one sale would make a great week elsewhere, large selection of jugs and crocks.
the 3rd store was just right--nice selection pretty reasonable pricing and had the NASCAR race on radio.
Definitely worth a stop if you have the time while whizzing along the highway.
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