Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Clear roads =more travel?

Almost a week of clear roads but sales did not increase on those days people could get out. Maybe end of the month equals end of the money. Our dealer day on Sunday was packed as everyone was freshening up booths. My result --one sale of a decorative easter rabbit!
One guy was talking about a friend who had been in another mall since 1992 or 93 and just moved out because sales were so poor. Others commented on the placement of showcases at that mall being out of the way. I thought their placement of showcases was good as no steps and a nice low slope ramp to get there. I know a couple who have a showcase and they had good sales through Dec. Their specialty is Holiday items.
I wanted to get into a showcase at that mall to feature some smalls, but with other sales down and the deposit and 1st month rent I was leery of taking on more commitment. Maybe just as well right now.
eBay wasn't too bad for February as I got rid of some weird smalls and some books I had sitting around. These increasing postal rates are hurting. I had to offer free shipping to get some items to move and then take a loss on what had been my purchase price. But it is slowly weeding out old stock. Got to generate some income to buy new stock.
Has anyone been to Renninger's in Pennsylvania? I was thinking of going the end of April to the big weekend. This would be a road trip with 2 nights motel stays. Are the prices good enough to get a bundle of fresh stock?

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