Monday, December 29, 2008
Im ready for the end of 2008
I'm tired of the upbeat christmas card letters of all the wonderful things people and their families are doing. I thought about writing one about job losses, closing stores, cancellations of internet service, doing away with land phone lines since they have a cell, health issues, medical bills and people tapping into retirement savings to catch up on bills. Now I'm hearing of people who have received a letter from the credit card companies raising their interest rates, on top of increases in late payment fees etc. no wonder it is more of a bah humbug year than Happy Holidays!
On the brighter side having a 25% sale at the antique booth has increased sales tremendously. Thanks to the mall owners for allowing a sale in December.
eBay has been a good venue this year for increasing profits over last and overall a better profit for the antiques and collectible "business". People are buying the odd items not the traditional flow blue or transferware pieces. A Quinella Bet sign from a race track sold while a beautiful cut lead glass 1850's decanter awaits a good home. Variety is the spice of life.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Auto companies and our economy
The economy has been getting worse these past 2 years and it's not just oil and China! Our whole way of life has finally caught up with us and predictions that were made back in the 1970's are seeing the light of day.
Great book --China Inc --will open eyes.
I hope Congress can see past their noses and give the Big Three loans to keep business moving. Yes they can certainly cutback on production, models and top execs, rank and file could take some concessions.
If the Big 3 close the ripple effect will be another GREAT DEPRESSION!
Even with the Iraq war we did not see any benefit to economy as WWII brought to the end of the depression. These are different times.
So many suppliers from tool and die, wheel rim makers, tire manufacturers, and all those other parts that make up our vehicles will be dead in the water.
I believe people do like their larger size vehicles and will buy American but there has to jobs and loan money out there to be able to afford it. It's not that we don't trust the auto companies it's that we don't have the money to buy another or replace a current vehicle!
The media must be having a field day with this they can fill the airways with 24/7 speculation.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Here's to elections and a renewal of hope
Whoever wins will bring changes and things can only get better. Let's face it manufacturing jobs are a thing of the past and knowledge workers and personal services are on the upswing. I'm reading a terrific book called Who's Your City by Richard Florida. This book should have required reading for all candidates. All this financial trouble did not happen overnight, it has been building for decades!
On my cynical side isn't it amazing how gas prices dropped rapidly leading up to the election? I saw a station this morning at $1.99 for regular.
Now we can spend that extra money at the grocery store. I know one thanksgiving that won't be quite as bountiful as in the past.
The stores seem to have forgotten thanksgiving--halloween is on discount and christmas has taken over the aisles and floorspace.
Did your family ever do much for special decorations for thanksgiving?
Not a ton of collectibles out there. We usually just had dried leaves and the mini pumpkins and gourds and maybe "indian" corn. Candles may have been orangish but the main distinction was the whole turkey, pumpkin and mincemeat pies.
Now christmas decorations inside the house are a whole range of collecting--special lights, candle holders, reindeer, elves, SANTAS, creches, wisemen, COOKIE CUTTERS, stockings, cards, feather trees, glass ornaments and on and on. This year I'm partial to the celluloid or plastic reindeer with antlers and painted noses and eyes. Variations of the wisemen and camels caught my eye at the summer yard sales!
Oh how I miss those sales once October ends. Even estate sales seem to have dwindled this past week.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
September sales fall like the leaves

On the positive side just saw gas as low as $2.97 a gallon if paying with cash and BP who always is higher here was posted $2.99 almost like a breath of fresh air. --
Kind of an oyxmoron using gas and fresh air combined!
Foot traffic must have picked up at the mall as I have had sales 5 out of 6 days!
You can tell times are tough--there have been more yard sales and estate listed in the local paper than normal for October and even more sales found by corner signs! Everyone is getting rid of VCR tapes, christmas decorations, lamps, and books!
Mapquest has been put to good use pretracking a circular route to get maximum locations out of least amount of gas.
Thank goodness we don't need ration coupons like in WWII where if you only had A coupons you could only buy enough gas to back and forth to work. B coupons got you 8 gallons. If you worked at night in factories for the war effort there were only a few stations open at night.
Price of gas during 1944 (about the age of the photo above): 21 cents and it was pumped for you as well as getting a clean windshield and probably an oil check and air in the tires all for free! Boy wouldn't those signs be great to have for sale today along with a vintage pump with an intact glass globe?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Portmeirion 1960's coffee pots

Visit to read about that. The website has a ton of photos and info.
Mostly what we find here is the botanicals and a few birds of America. I had to search eBay UK to find some coffee pots for sale. Not cheap either! So now I'm on a new quest to acquire as many styles as possible at a price that will allow for resale profit!
The photo above is right from the Portmeirion website and shows one of my favorite designs--Magic City.
Overall August sales were a bust, as I expected. Now that more time can be spent focusing, I hope to see a profit for Sept--though with the jump in gas prices over the weekend who knows. I'm hoping that traffic past the antiques mall on the way to college football games will generate some shoppers!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Surgery and antiques/collectibles sales

Monday, August 11, 2008
Antiques Roadshow Grand Rapids Michigan
Not much action
As we entered and located the door into the actual exhibit hall they were sending in people with tickets from 12:30 to 3:00

Monday, July 7, 2008
Break in posting

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Think about it
---Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. it had a nice little pix of a tree, which obviously did not copy over
As an antiques business we certainly are msters or reuse and recycling and therefore reducing landfills. We are helping air pollution with less vocs from the older wood and fabrics etc.
We are probably packrats and savers ourselves so we keep more than we trash. I think about these issues when I see the mounds of trash bags etc out for curbside pickup. Of course I'm also scanning for any treasures.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
make a million in antiques part 2

Would you sell an eye for a million dollars? a child, your faith in god, your education etc?
Just by living in the United States and having at least a high school education we are so much better off than millions of people in other parts of the world.
Each of us is unique and we each have a wide variety of skill sets, knowledge, talents etc, that can bring millions to us. Rah Rah Rah!
Some of the discussion sounds like the pyramid scheme now called multi level marketing.
We all need to get multiple income streams and things that will bring in residuals like entertainers do.
---I think of eBay sales as another stream of income added to the monthly sales from the booth at the antique mall.
What other streams could I/we develop? Would it be worthwhile to sell from a website like RubyLane? Could I do a presentation on antiques that an organization would pay to hear?--not likely right now. Could I teach a class in selling/buying on eBay--maybe, but who would pay for this? a library, the Tuesday Study Club?
What could be discovered in the next 101 days to bring income flowing to me/us?
Maybe I should play the lottery, after all if you don't have a ticket you have zero chance of winning and that 1 in a million chance is higher than zero!
I want to focus on antiques and collectibles and not veer off into multiple small ventures that takes me away from the passion of antiques.
Working a regular 9-5 job that includes some weekends cramps ability to find other streams without a terrific drain on stamina and time.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Make a million in ANTIQUES
Yeah right, as if I could earn a $1,000,000.00 in my antiques business. But still maybe there could be hope using some of the principles.
One-- was get a team together.
I do know that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And a sum of two is better than one etc.
I hope this blog could be a springboard to bring together others who want to open an antiques business, or are active in antiques or maybe just love antiques and want to buy antiques or even learn more about antiques.
So if you are out there. I’ve “built” this blog and am waiting -- “they will come!”
We could form a team to volley ideas back and forth, trade experiences, give insight, creative ideas even just words of encouragement. Maybe even start our own organization that could lend some legitimacy to being a part-time, lower volume antiques dealer.
Another paraphrased principle was to focus on the end result—antiques business, and expand your group for potential allies—this might compute to helpers such as accountants, auctioneers, delivery people, cousin Janie’s mother-in-law who has a bridge club or book club that are looking for a chance to have a day trip etc.
One principle I really liked was that of philanthropy—giving away 10% of profits to others in need. This might be sponsoring an appraisal fair for the museum, giving money to a library to purchase books about antiques and collectibles, being a sponsor for a community event on vintage boats or old cars, maybe even as simple as buying jerseys for a basketball, hockey or baseball team. Or how about a donation to local PBS station as a thank you for airing Antiques Roadshow!
Maybe we need our own shirts to advertise us! How about someone coming up with a logo a slogan and we can sell the shirts and profits go to the organization or you get a t-shirt with your membership at xx level. Or just for fun! I have a contact for inexpensive cotton shirts and another for screen-printing, another for embroidery so other than design not too difficult a task.
Do you love antiques; do you wish you could have a positive experience discussing antiques with like-minded people?
Then visit here and comment and link to others who could become part of our own millionaire team!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Great yard sale
If I had more room I'd have a new set of patio furniture. Woman was selling off items from mother-in-law's house. Things she couldn't use, but too good to throw out. I got a Rock-Ola bar cabinet for $5 it has inserts for 2 size glasses, a hanging rack for stemware, storage in the bottom and storage behind the serving "board" just right for bottles or rum, vodka etc.
It wasn't even advertized in the paper just signs on a few corners. I happened down the street because of an advertized sale that was a dud. So I chalk it up to my 1 great yard sale of the year. So much schlock and so few good items at most sales. I wonder if clothes really sell other than for growing kids? How many canning jars does i person need, when you can buy new sets after the season at the Dollar stores for less than used.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Surf to save gas
I also tried antiques at Google Images and found great photos and many new shops.

Just visit our road trip blog at
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Springfield extravaganza
Lots of outdoor vendors even with soaking wet sites. Crowd seemed reduced from last year but people seemed to be buying. I found a great piece of "folk" art-- a copper mushroom design about 12" by 24" backed with wood and nicely framed for a mere $3.00 it's a nice vintage 1960's piece--perhaps mystical mushrooms!
Plants and garden pots and iron decor were a big item with lots of people at each booth. Seating whether just chairs, wicker or a row of wooden "theater" seats were packed into SUVs, pickups and tied to the roofs of vans.
Most interesting pieces I saw were made of license plates nailed to wood and cut into the shape of a state, or small pieces such as LOVE made with narrow strips of 1 letter from different license plates!
Please visit your local antique malls and flea markets to keep the economy moving. Every purchase no matter how small helps keep a family afloat!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Antiques Roadshow here I come!
Now looking for suggestions on what to take. What should I expect on this day?
I don't currently have anything that unique or valuable. I have a book printed in the early 1600's but haven't checked the rarity.
No oils by famous artists at least no one stands out when I Google their name.
I'm going to scour the markets and yard sales in the next 2 months hoping to find a treasure.
A baseball signed by Rick Leach just isn't going to cut it. How about a Detroit Wheels bumper sticker? They didn't stay around very long.
This will be the highlight of SUMMER!
Who links to me?
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Home again, Home again, jiggedy jig!
Back to reality. Luckily April was pretty good at the mall and several pieces of furniture sold. Now yard sales are starting and I can hunt for those treasures and get a few pieces of furniture at auction. What a high visiting antique stores and malls along the way. Hit 2 Brass Armadillo stores--Kansas City and Denver. Both rate high above most other malls we visited.
If you are in Hays Kansas be sure to stop in at Northglen Antiques. Owner Susan McRae Bickle is delightful to talk with and her unique goods imported from her buying trips to Scotland are a rare treasure to find at good prices. You can visit her website at
I was surprised I didn't find much Couroc and Calif Pottery in the shops in California.
Thank goodness for a laptop and wireless access at most motels. I was able to seek out some antique stops and the roadside billboards were great. Certainly an advertising expense well spent. Now if hours were on all signs that would be ideal. Stopped at a store in west Kansas--place where world's largest Van Gogh is--only to find store was closed on Sunday.
Millington Antiques in Albuquerque was a classy site and had a great conversation about shows and markets.
Gas was high everywhere--especially California, but it is as high at home as most places along the way. Don't put off a buying trip or vacation--economize on motels and meals. There are good buys out there. Spend that incentive check at antique stores!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Road Trip Blog to hear about my April trip of a lifetime!
Acoma reservation New Mexico USA
certainly the Land of Enchantment!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Spring into ...
Hope in the next 4 weeks it clears up to a nice spring as we start our road trip west to Monterey.
I've thrown out any expectations of getting to a destination by a certain time or even day. Constraints now are when we leave and we get back. Luckily we all have 2 full weeks vacation time. I keep finding more and more scenic drives, bypasses, sites etc that I'd like to see and we have to stop in Vegas.
Despite the soaring gas prices we are GOING!. May cut into our motel budget and we downscale but, oh well. Carpe Diem!
EBay goes on hold as well as any other antiques business. I hope this could be a "busman's" holiday but I may not have time to shop--oh no, is that blasphemy?
Friday, February 29, 2008
When will it stop?
Gee it's snowing even harder/heavier right now!
I've been able to track of sales at the antique mall with every snowstorm. Absolutely nothing on that day and also sometimes the next--depends on when the roads clear.
Thinking when should I call it quits with the delusion of an antique dealer? 2007 wound up with a loss of just under $500 not so bad, but total sales were under $5000.
What's a real business look like? yeah it's only part-time and I'm learning every week and getting perhaps a better eye to what might sell. I started ebay to sell off some of the lesser items. Jan and Feb have been better there. But then new fees and in spring increase in postage bites in. Anyone tried other online auction sites? or part of a group sales like Rubylane?
Can't wait til April 18. Perhaps Paul Reveve started his famous ride that night, well I get to knock off a lifetime goal of driving across country to CALIFORNIA. Getting my road trip cds in order and stocking up on junk food!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Anyone seen the Chalk Pyramid in Kansa? Acoma Pueblo, Santa Cruz area natural bridge and redwood state park?
I see there's a large Brass Armadillo antique Mall in Kansas City that will be a stop!
How are prices in Gallup New Mexico. Antiques in Las Vegas?
most interesting drive from Barstow to Monterey area?
How about a BBQ place in Memphis TN?
Winter can be gone any day now I just want to hit the road and ear junk food switching radio stations!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Road Trip Plans
Monterey CA. Any pros and cons about driving I-80, I-70 or the northern route?
What are some great free or low cost sites to visits? Any great diners or BBQ?
Most important ANTIQUE Malls or multi-dealer shops that are a must stop for great variety?
May try to drive a few remaining parts of Route 66
Any advice would be appreciated so I can plan for a variety or routes, stops or side diversions.
We're trying this on nearly a shoestring realizing gas will be a fortune but it has been a lifelong dream to drive across country. I've been south and east and now head West. Who knows maybe Alaska can be another long trip for retirement!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Happy New Year and new attitudes!
So here are my goals/plans:
Drive to California and back--planned for April
Increase sales at antique booth
Attend auctions at new sources
Stay in my own frame of mind and not swayed by others
Keep it short and hopefully achievable!
Winter has never been a favorite time of year, I much prefer sunshine and warm temps about 65 to 80! Now if I won the lottery, look out Florida or another warm weather state, here I come!

Let's make 2008 great and do what we love as well as what we have to do, perhaps they can become one and the same!